工業的な流れ場計測において,超音波流速分布計測法(Ultrasonic Velocity Profiler; UVP)は非侵襲計測及び不透明流体計測が可能なことから広く用いられている.しかしながら,従来の速度推定アルゴリズムを用いたUVPではmm/sオーダー以下からm/sオーダーの流れを同時に計測することは困難であった.そこで,低流速から高流速流れ計測に対する信号処理法として広帯域位相差分法を開発した.本手法はパルス超音波を繰り返し発信し得られるエコー信号間の,エコー帯域内周波数領域における位相差分布から流速を算出する.本稿では本手法を用いた流速計測システムを構築し,計測下限及び上限速度の評価を行った.
空中音響センシングとは音波を用いた空中におけるセンシングである. センシング技術には,光,電波,音波,レーザなど様々な種類の信号が用いられる. 本研究では音波による回折現象に注目し,可視光(画像センシング)では検知することの難しい不可視領域内の物体検知を試みた. 実験では周波数の低い音波を鋭い指向性で送波することのできるパラメトリックスピーカーを用いることでS/N の低減やマルチパスフェージングなどを防ぎ,音波による回折現象を積極的に利用し不可視領域内の物体検知を行う. また,空中音響における不可視領域内の物体検知のための最適な符号化信号を検討し,信号符号化法の比較評価をする.
超音波画像を用いた肝線維化定量評価を目的とし, 線維性肝組織の超音波画像の振幅確率分布モデルであるマルチレイリーモデルに基づく肝線維化パラメータ推定手法を提案している. 本報告では,複素数空間で肝線維化パラメータ推定の入力である超音波エコー振幅統計量(モーメント)と推定精度の関係を検討した. この結果より, 複素数空間でのモーメントの組み合わせを用いることで肝線維化パラメータを高精度に推定できる見通しを得た.
The cancer killing mechanism by focused ultrasound and metastasis defense system by the vibration based on the resonant frequency have been developed in our research. In this process, the selection of the optimized ultrasound simulator which supports the sound field including its directivity and the temperature is crucial. In case that HIFU is used, the essential strategy for accelerating the necrosis of tumors is mainly to burn only the affected parts by condensed energy, without giving the damage to any healthy cells, to avoid the side effect. Looking at the various present simulators, how the feasibly and accurately the ultrasonic path in the body can be reproducible was studied.
高深達性及び波長低依存性を有する音響分解能光音響顕微鏡を試作し、集光位置が波長に依存していないことを確認した.また、セルロース強化バイオプラスチックの分光特性評価を行い、1500 nm付近においてセルロースに起因すると考えられる吸収があることを確認した.また1 mm厚バイオプラスチックの透過波長(1064 nm)を用いて光音響イメージングを行い、裏面部における光音響イメージング像を得ることができた.
Abnormal tumor vasculature restricts oxygen and nutrient transport to cause tumor hypoxia, which reduces the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Recent studies have been reported that the morphology and function of tumor vessels could be remodeled as normal vessels under the anti-angiogenic status. The process of vascular normalization (VN) in tumors improves the maturity of vessel morphology, and then repairs vessel function to enhance tumor perfusion. Although tumor VN provides a potential way to regulate tumor microenvironment, the short VN time window induced by anti-angiogenetic agents limits the clinical applications of tumor VN. This study proposes to improve tumor oxygenation by oxygen-loaded microbubbles (O2- MBs) for regulating tumor microenvironment. Since abnormal tumor vasculature would restrict the transport of O2-MBs, we develop an acoustic tweezer system to elevate the concentration of O2-MBs within tumors without increasing the doses of O2-MBs. By applying the phase dislocation on the array transducer, the acoustic tweezer propagates with a tornado structure to trap and collect O2-MBs in the center of acoustic field. After trapping O2-MBs by acoustic tweezer, a cascading O2-MBs destruction pulse would be used to locally release oxygen in tumors. The tumor microenvironment regulations including VN, immune activation, and metastasis would be evaluated after enhancing tumor oxygenation.
アルブミン・ウルトラファインバブル(UFB)による遺伝子導入の試みは今まで報告されていない。今回、アルブミンUFBと超音波照射によってマウス肝臓へ遺伝子導入が出来るか検討した。pDNA (pCMV-Luciferase)とアルブミンUFBを静脈内投与、投与1分後に肝臓に向けて超音波照射(1.0MHz, 1W/cm2)した。6時間後に発現したルシフェラーゼの活性を測定した。アルブミンUFB群は、超音波照射により約5倍遺伝子発現が上昇し、肝臓において遺伝子発現が認められた(RLU>105)。超音波とUFBの併用は遺伝子発現を上昇させ、今後分子標的薬剤や機能性ペプチドを搭載したUFBとして臨床応用できる可能性がある。
縦波の伝搬速度(音速)は、疾病の検出等に有用な指標であり、測定及び可視化の方法が研究されている。中でも後方散乱波を用いた方法は臨床使用において望ましい実施形態を提供し得るが、一般にこれらはill-posed な逆問題であるので、論理的妥当性を検証することが困難である。 当該アルゴリズムの妥当性を論理的に検証するためには、シミュレーションの実施が有用であると考えられる。そこで本研究では、音速分布を考慮した後方散乱波シミュレーションについて検討した。
平板における屈曲波を音響放射に利用した分布モードスピーカ(Distributed Mode Loudspeaker, DML)が1990 年代から研究・開発され,近年では実用化が一部で進んでいる.DML は屈曲振動の動作によって,単一の振動板にもかかわらず広帯域・広指向性といった一般的なスピーカにはない特性を得ることが可能である.しかし,DML は2 次元的に広がった平板を使用するため最大寸法が大きくなってしまう等といった構造に由来する問題を持つ.そこで,本研究では表面が任意の曲率で形成されるシェル構造体を振動板として利用することを検討し,音響振動解析を行うことによってDML との違いを比較した.さらに,円筒形やホーン形といった単純な形状の軸対称シェルについても解析し,シェル構造の違いによる特性の変化を調査した.
We have developed several photoacoustic imaging systems. Here three types of photoacoustic microscopy for imaging of peripheral circulation are introduced. The first is a PAT system with an originally developed 256-ch parabolic array transducer with the central frequency of 10 MHz and a tunable laser of 400-2100 nm with the repetition rate of 20 Hz. In mouse study, the vein was visualized at the wavelength of 490-600 nm and the lymphatic vessel filled with gold nanorod was visualized at 790-890 nm. In human palm, blood cell movement in a micro vessel of a diameter of 50 microns was observed by the frame rate of 20 fps. The second is a dual-wavelength (532/556 nm) AR-PAM with a concave ultrasound transducer with the central frequency of 75 MHz. 3D image of micro vessels representing oxygen saturation was successfully visualized while high frequency ultrasound imaging showed the skin structure. In human study, effect of sun light exposure and aging were assessed. The vascular volume fraction was larger in fore arm than that in cheek skin and the fraction was reduced in the older age group. The last one is the transmission mode OR-PAM consisted of 532 nm laser, 75 MHz PVDF-TrFE transducer, 5GHz digitizer and piezo XY scanner. Bovine red blood cells (RBC) were set in a dish filled with saline. The laser was irradiated from the bottom and PA signal was detected at the top of the RBC. 200 μm × 200 μm area was observed by 0.25 μm step. The lateral resolution was 660 nm and the biconcave shape and overlap of RBC were clearly observed. Although the application is limited to visualize the microcirculation beneath 1 mm from the skin surface, photoacoustic microscopy will provide important information of peripheral circulation
We have developed several photoacoustic imaging systems. Here three types of photoacoustic microscopy for imaging of peripheral circulation are introduced. The first is a PAT system with an originally developed 256-ch parabolic array transducer with the central frequency of 10 MHz and a tunable laser of 400-2100 nm with the repetition rate of 20 Hz. In mouse study, the vein was visualized at the wavelength of 490-600 nm and the lymphatic vessel filled with gold nanorod was visualized at 790-890 nm. In human palm, blood cell movement in a micro vessel of a diameter of 50 microns was observed by the frame rate of 20 fps. The second is a dual-wavelength (532/556 nm) AR-PAM with a concave ultrasound transducer with the central frequency of 75 MHz. 3D image of micro vessels representing oxygen saturation was successfully visualized while high frequency ultrasound imaging showed the skin structure. In human study, effect of sun light exposure and aging were assessed. The vascular volume fraction was larger in fore arm than that in cheek skin and the fraction was reduced in the older age group. The last one is the transmission mode OR-PAM consisted of 532 nm laser, 75 MHz PVDF-TrFE transducer, 5GHz digitizer and piezo XY scanner. Bovine red blood cells (RBC) were set in a dish filled with saline. The laser was irradiated from the bottom and PA signal was detected at the top of the RBC. 200 μm × 200 μm area was observed by 0.25 μm step. The lateral resolution was 660 nm and the biconcave shape and overlap of RBC were clearly observed. Although the application is limited to visualize the microcirculation beneath 1 mm from the skin surface, photoacoustic microscopy will provide important information of peripheral circulation
Acoustic microscope is a powerful tool for the observation of biological matters. Non-invasive in-situ observation can be performed without any staining process. Acoustic microscopy is contrasted by elastic parameters like sound speed and acoustic impedance. In the presentation 2D lateral (x-y) cross-sectional acoustic impedance profile of cultured cells will be exhibited, indicating that continuous non-invasive observation after exposing the cells to some drug can be performed. In addition we have recently proposed an acoustic microscope that can acquire a three-dimensional acoustic impedance profile. The technique was applied to cell-size observation as well. Glial cells were cultured on a 70 μm-thick polypropylene film substrate. A highly focused ultrasound beam was transmitted from the rear side of the substrate, and the reflection was received by the same transducer. An acoustic pulse, with a spectrum that spread briefly 100 through 450 MHz, was transmitted. By analyzing the internal reflections in the cell, the distribution of characteristic acoustic impedance along the beam direction was determined. Three-dimensional acoustic impedance mapping was realized by scanning the transducer.
Acoustic microscope is a powerful tool for the observation of biological matters. Non-invasive in-situ observation can be performed without any staining process. Acoustic microscopy is contrasted by elastic parameters like sound speed and acoustic impedance. In the presentation 2D lateral (x-y) cross-sectional acoustic impedance profile of cultured cells will be exhibited, indicating that continuous non-invasive observation after exposing the cells to some drug can be performed. In addition we have recently proposed an acoustic microscope that can acquire a three-dimensional acoustic impedance profile. The technique was applied to cell-size observation as well. Glial cells were cultured on a 70 μm-thick polypropylene film substrate. A highly focused ultrasound beam was transmitted from the rear side of the substrate, and the reflection was received by the same transducer. An acoustic pulse, with a spectrum that spread briefly 100 through 450 MHz, was transmitted. By analyzing the internal reflections in the cell, the distribution of characteristic acoustic impedance along the beam direction was determined. Three-dimensional acoustic impedance mapping was realized by scanning the transducer.
The mechanical property of a tissue is related to physiological and pathological states. Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) and ultrasound elastography (USE) are imaging techniques that non-invasively quantify the mechanical properties of tissue using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound imaging systems. The measured viscoelasticity can be used as an imaging biomarker. To assess the accuracy and repeatability of elastography systems, quantitative phantoms are required. We have been developing tough and stable polyacrylamide (PAAm) gel phantoms with a viscoelasticity close to that of living tissue for this purpose. By evaluating MRE and USE using the soft tissue-equivalent gel phantom with a known viscoelastic coefficient, we aim to investigate the characteristics of both devices and promote their standardization. The purpose of this study is to confirm the frequency characteristics of the developed phantom with commercial USE system and developed MRE systems. We confirmed that the phantoms are in good agreement with a physical model of the liver, and the developed phantoms are considered effective for the quantitative assessment of the MRE and USE system.
The mechanical property of a tissue is related to physiological and pathological states. Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) and ultrasound elastography (USE) are imaging techniques that non-invasively quantify the mechanical properties of tissue using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound imaging systems. The measured viscoelasticity can be used as an imaging biomarker. To assess the accuracy and repeatability of elastography systems, quantitative phantoms are required. We have been developing tough and stable polyacrylamide (PAAm) gel phantoms with a viscoelasticity close to that of living tissue for this purpose. By evaluating MRE and USE using the soft tissue-equivalent gel phantom with a known viscoelastic coefficient, we aim to investigate the characteristics of both devices and promote their standardization. The purpose of this study is to confirm the frequency characteristics of the developed phantom with commercial USE system and developed MRE systems. We confirmed that the phantoms are in good agreement with a physical model of the liver, and the developed phantoms are considered effective for the quantitative assessment of the MRE and USE system.
Sonoporation refers to the use of acoustic cavitation to temporarily enhance the permeability of cellular membranes to enhance the delivery efficiency of therapeutic agents into cells. Microbubble-based ultrasound contrast agents are often used to facilitate these cavitation effects. Recently, it has also been demonstrated that vaporization of nanodroplets into microbubbles can effectively provide additional sonoporation effects relative to using conventional microbubbles. Nanodroplet vaporization can be done optically (i.e., optical droplet vaporization, ODV) and/or acoustically (i.e., acoustic droplet vaporization, ADV). Generally, a continuous wave (CW) laser was used for ODV, and an ultrasound pulse was used for ADV. Although useful for vaporization, the use of a CW laser is not energy efficient and may create unwanted heating and concomitant tissue damage. We proposed the use of a pulsed wave (PW) laser to replace the CW laser. In addition, the PW laser was applied at the rarefaction phase of the ultrasound pulse so that the synergistic effects of ADV and ODV can be expected. Therefore, a significantly lower laser average power can be expected to achieve the vaporization threshold. We also demonstrate in vitro that the sonoporation rate was increased when the PW laser was applied at the rarefaction phase. The increased sonoporation rate indicates that this technique has the potential to enhance sonoporation-directed drug delivery and tumor therapy with a lower laser power while keeping the cell death rate at the minimum. It is also worth mentioning that photoacoustic imaging can be performed concomitantly with this approach since a PW laser is used for the ODV. We also demonstrate that sonoporation based on repeatable vaporization/recondensation is feasible, thus making it possible for achieving high sonoporation rate with lower cell death.
Sonoporation refers to the use of acoustic cavitation to temporarily enhance the permeability of cellular membranes to enhance the delivery efficiency of therapeutic agents into cells. Microbubble-based ultrasound contrast agents are often used to facilitate these cavitation effects. Recently, it has also been demonstrated that vaporization of nanodroplets into microbubbles can effectively provide additional sonoporation effects relative to using conventional microbubbles. Nanodroplet vaporization can be done optically (i.e., optical droplet vaporization, ODV) and/or acoustically (i.e., acoustic droplet vaporization, ADV). Generally, a continuous wave (CW) laser was used for ODV, and an ultrasound pulse was used for ADV. Although useful for vaporization, the use of a CW laser is not energy efficient and may create unwanted heating and concomitant tissue damage. We proposed the use of a pulsed wave (PW) laser to replace the CW laser. In addition, the PW laser was applied at the rarefaction phase of the ultrasound pulse so that the synergistic effects of ADV and ODV can be expected. Therefore, a significantly lower laser average power can be expected to achieve the vaporization threshold. We also demonstrate in vitro that the sonoporation rate was increased when the PW laser was applied at the rarefaction phase. The increased sonoporation rate indicates that this technique has the potential to enhance sonoporation-directed drug delivery and tumor therapy with a lower laser power while keeping the cell death rate at the minimum. It is also worth mentioning that photoacoustic imaging can be performed concomitantly with this approach since a PW laser is used for the ODV. We also demonstrate that sonoporation based on repeatable vaporization/recondensation is feasible, thus making it possible for achieving high sonoporation rate with lower cell death.
A development of a quantitative diagnostic method for various diseases using an ultrasound B-mode image is highly required from its real-time and noninvasive properties. To permit tissue characterization using the characteristics of the echo signal such as power spectrum, texture parameters, local attenuation, and statistical characteristics, the relation between complicated scatterer structures and the echo signal must be understood. We have been examining a quantitative diagnostic method for liver fibrosis using the probability density function of ultrasound echo amplitude. We proposed the multi-Rayleigh model as an amplitude distribution model of fibrotic liver and succeeded in the quantitative evaluation of liver fibrosis. When many scattered points are distributed randomly and homogeneously, such as in normal liver tissue, the probability density function (PDF) of the echo amplitude can be approximated by a Rayleigh distribution. On the other hand, in an inhomogeneous medium, such as a fibrotic liver, the PDF of the echo amplitude deviates from the Rayleigh distribution. It is considered that a fibrotic liver is composed of various tissues, such as normal and fibrotic tissues. We proposed a multi-Rayleigh distribution model that is modeled using a combination of Rayleigh distributions with different variances. The multi-Rayleigh model with three components is given by Rayleigh distributions with low variance (hypoechoic tissue), moderate variance (normal liver tissue), and high variance (fibrotic tissue). Using the multi-Rayleigh model, an information about each component can be independently extracted, and by comparing each component’s information, the ultrasound B-mode image of liver fibrosis can be converted to the each component probability image. This diagnostic method is effective to detect the initial stage of liver fibrosis.
A development of a quantitative diagnostic method for various diseases using an ultrasound B-mode image is highly required from its real-time and noninvasive properties. To permit tissue characterization using the characteristics of the echo signal such as power spectrum, texture parameters, local attenuation, and statistical characteristics, the relation between complicated scatterer structures and the echo signal must be understood. We have been examining a quantitative diagnostic method for liver fibrosis using the probability density function of ultrasound echo amplitude. We proposed the multi-Rayleigh model as an amplitude distribution model of fibrotic liver and succeeded in the quantitative evaluation of liver fibrosis. When many scattered points are distributed randomly and homogeneously, such as in normal liver tissue, the probability density function (PDF) of the echo amplitude can be approximated by a Rayleigh distribution. On the other hand, in an inhomogeneous medium, such as a fibrotic liver, the PDF of the echo amplitude deviates from the Rayleigh distribution. It is considered that a fibrotic liver is composed of various tissues, such as normal and fibrotic tissues. We proposed a multi-Rayleigh distribution model that is modeled using a combination of Rayleigh distributions with different variances. The multi-Rayleigh model with three components is given by Rayleigh distributions with low variance (hypoechoic tissue), moderate variance (normal liver tissue), and high variance (fibrotic tissue). Using the multi-Rayleigh model, an information about each component can be independently extracted, and by comparing each component’s information, the ultrasound B-mode image of liver fibrosis can be converted to the each component probability image. This diagnostic method is effective to detect the initial stage of liver fibrosis.
Medical ultrasound imaging is widely used in clinical situations to observe cross sectional images of living body in real time. In conventional ultrasonic imaging, a focused beam emitted from a transmit aperture illuminates a narrow region, and basically a single focused receiving beam is created in the narrow region illuminated by the transmit beam. Therefore, a number of transmit-receive events are required to obtain scan lines which compose an ultrasound B-mode image. On the other hand, multiple focused receiving beams can be created in parallel when an unfocused beam, such as plane wave and diverging wave, is used in emission. In an extreme case, an unfocused beam can illuminate an entire imaging field of view at once, and all the receiving beams required to obtain a B-mode image. Therefore, the imaging frame rate can be increased up to the pulse repetition frequency, e.g., 10,000. Owing to such a high temporal resolution, the parallel receive technique is beneficial for measurement of the cardiovascular dynamics. The parallel receive technique enables detailed analysis of motion of the arterial wall. The pulse wave propagates along the artery at a relatively high propagation speed of about 5 m/s and, therefore, it is difficult to observe the propagation of the pulse wave in a short segment of an artery of tens of millimeters with a temporal resolution in conventional ultrasonic imaging. On the other hand, the propagation of the pulse wave can be observed clearly even in such a short segment using the parallel receive technique. We have also developed a method for high resolution analysis of the wavenumber of the pulse wave using measured vibration waveforms of the arterial wall. Blood flow imaging is also important for evaluation of the cardiovascular function. In conventional color flow imaging, several transmit-receive events are required to enhance weak echoes from blood cells and estimate blood flow velocities along a scan line. Therefore, there are significant time differences among scan lines. Therefore, it is difficult to image echoes from blood cells themselves because such an image will be skewed by the large time differences among scan lines and significant motion of blood cells during the time difference. On the other hand, echoes from blood cells can be imaged by the parallel receive technique because all scan lines (receiving beams) can be obtained simultaneously. We have also developed methods for quantitative estimation of blood flow velocity vectors from the visualized echoes from blood cells.
Medical ultrasound imaging is widely used in clinical situations to observe cross sectional images of living body in real time. In conventional ultrasonic imaging, a focused beam emitted from a transmit aperture illuminates a narrow region, and basically a single focused receiving beam is created in the narrow region illuminated by the transmit beam. Therefore, a number of transmit-receive events are required to obtain scan lines which compose an ultrasound B-mode image. On the other hand, multiple focused receiving beams can be created in parallel when an unfocused beam, such as plane wave and diverging wave, is used in emission. In an extreme case, an unfocused beam can illuminate an entire imaging field of view at once, and all the receiving beams required to obtain a B-mode image. Therefore, the imaging frame rate can be increased up to the pulse repetition frequency, e.g., 10,000. Owing to such a high temporal resolution, the parallel receive technique is beneficial for measurement of the cardiovascular dynamics. The parallel receive technique enables detailed analysis of motion of the arterial wall. The pulse wave propagates along the artery at a relatively high propagation speed of about 5 m/s and, therefore, it is difficult to observe the propagation of the pulse wave in a short segment of an artery of tens of millimeters with a temporal resolution in conventional ultrasonic imaging. On the other hand, the propagation of the pulse wave can be observed clearly even in such a short segment using the parallel receive technique. We have also developed a method for high resolution analysis of the wavenumber of the pulse wave using measured vibration waveforms of the arterial wall. Blood flow imaging is also important for evaluation of the cardiovascular function. In conventional color flow imaging, several transmit-receive events are required to enhance weak echoes from blood cells and estimate blood flow velocities along a scan line. Therefore, there are significant time differences among scan lines. Therefore, it is difficult to image echoes from blood cells themselves because such an image will be skewed by the large time differences among scan lines and significant motion of blood cells during the time difference. On the other hand, echoes from blood cells can be imaged by the parallel receive technique because all scan lines (receiving beams) can be obtained simultaneously. We have also developed methods for quantitative estimation of blood flow velocity vectors from the visualized echoes from blood cells.
非接触音響検査法では,複合材料,特にコンクリートの浅層(深さ10cm位まで)の内部欠陥を非接触非破壊で遠隔(33m位までの長距離)から検出・可視化する.測定面は,長距離音響発生装置による可聴域の空中平面音波によって励起され,2次元格子点上の振動速度分布は,レーザドップラ振動計で測定される.空間スペクトルエントロピー(SSE; Spatial Spectral Entropy)を提案する.SSE解析によれば,測定面上の内部欠陥の共振周波数の自動検出と同時に,高感度走査型レーザドップラ振動計のガルバノ・ミラーなどに由来する共振周波数を検出することができ,それらの共振周波数を識別して映像化することができる.
吹付けコンクリートは,施工性に優れていることから,地下空洞の支保などに広く用いられている.しかながら,高所で叩き点検が困難な場合には ,足場や高所作業車などが必要とるため,作業の効率化が課題となっており,遠隔から非接触で欠陥探査が実施きる手法の開発が期待されている.今回は約25mの遠距離から音波照射加振を用いた非接触響探査法により地下空洞天井部吹付コンクリートの欠陥検出例について紹介する.
透明樹脂と黒色ゴムからなる構造にパルスレーザを照射することで大きな空中パルス超音波を発生できることを実験的に示した.厚さ0.1 mmの黒色フッ素ゴムに厚さ1 mmのPET板を接着したレーザターゲットに,波長が532 nm,パルス幅が10 ns,レーザエネルギーが126 mJ/pのQ-sw パルスレーザを照射したところ,レーザ照射面から24 mm離れた位置において,およそ16.8 kPa (178.5 dB)の最大音圧を得た.
光音響顕微法(PAM)は非破壊かつハイコントラストで生体試料を3次元でイメージングする技術として注目されている.しかし,深さ方向の分解能は超音波トランスデューサの周波数帯域に依存するため,分解能向上のために周波数帯域が広い超音波検出器が求められている.そこで,広帯域のSPRセンサをPAMの新たな超音波検出器として応用するため基礎的な研究を行った.本報告では銀蒸着Kretschmann 配置の SPR センサを作し,水中を伝搬する超音波の検出を行った.また,基板材料による検出感度の違いについて実験的に検討を行った.