BPB Reports

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Please fill out the following fields on this page. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. 
Be sure to click "Register" at the bottom of this page after filling the all fields.
Note: All information you provided will be transmitted securely and retain confidential.


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*This e-mail address will be your account ID, so please type it accurately.

E-mail Address*

*Please enter in Alphanumeric characters.

Attention: If you see an error message of "E-mail has already been taken", that your e-mail address is already registered as a reviewer by Editor of BPB Reports.
In this case, please go back to Login Page and click "Forgot your passwords?".
You will receive an e-mail with access URL to reset it.
You can login from Login page with your ID and new passwords.


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Please click "Register" to get an Account ID.
You will receive an e-mail from SciEd that informing your registration is completed.
If you do not receive it, please send an inquiry for Secretariat.

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