BPB Reports

Paper Details

BPB Reports
Vol. 7 No. 3 p.90-95 2024
Inositolphospholipids and GPR55
  • Junken Aoki (Department of Health Chemistry, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo / jaoki@mol.f.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Akira Ito , Jumpei Omi , Junken Aoki
Department of Health Chemistry, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Received: April 16, 2024;   Accepted: April 24, 2024;   Released: June 19, 2024
Keywords: lysophosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositol, GPR55, lysophospholipid, G protein-coupled receptor, lipid mediator

Phospholipids, the major components of biological membranes, usually have two fatty acids. Less common are the lysophospholipids, which have only one fatty acid. Like prostaglandins and leukotrienes, some lysophospholipids serve as mediators to regulate various cellular functions through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). This review focuses on a lysophospholipid with an inositol head, lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI), and summarizes its distribution, alterations, metabolic mechanisms, and physiological and pathological functions. In addition, we will summarize the current knowledge of GPR55, a proposed G protein-coupled receptor for LPI, with a particular focus on its functions in cancer and immune responses.